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Colombian Seashells from the Caribbean Sea
Photo gallery / Localities / Montenegro



Agathylla regularis (Pfeiffer, 1861)

Agathylla sulcosa camanensis (Wagner, 1912)

Alinda serbica (Moellendorff, 1873)

Delima montenegrina montenegrina (L. Pfeiffer, 1848)

Herilla bosniensis hannae Nordsieck, 1971

Herilla bosniensis rex Nordsieck, 1971

Montenegrina cattaroensis (Rossmassier, 1835)

Montenegrina dofleini dofleini (A. J. Wagner, 1928)

Montenegrina dofleini fagorum H. Nordsieck, 1974

Montenegrina subcristata (Kuester, 1847)

Montenegrina umbilicata costata (Boettger, 1907)

Montenegrina umbilicata umbilicata (O.Boettger, 1879)

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