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Shells of the Hawaiian Islands – The Land Shells
UROCOPTIDAE - 331 species
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Acrocoptis rosaperdita Torre & Bartsch, 1943

Amphicosmia hjalmarsoni (L.Pfeiffer, 1858)

Amphistemma pilbryana (Ramsden, 1914)

Anoma alboanfractus (Chitty, 1853)

Anoma nigrescens (C. B Adams, 1851)

Anoma splendens (Pfeiffer, 1841)

Apoma agnesiana (C.B.Adams, 1849)

Apoma chemnitzianum (Ferussac, 1821)

Apoma gracilis (C.B.Adams, 1851)

Archegocoptis barbouri Clench, 1935

Archegocoptis cf. crenata (Weinland & Martens, 1859)

Archegocoptis cf. eximia (Pfeiffer, 1857)

Archegocoptis crenata (Weinland & Martens, 1859)

Archegocoptis decapitata (Röding, 1798)

Archegocoptis eximia (Pfeiffer, 1857)

Archegocoptis sp. 193045

Archegocoptis sp. 193329

Archegocoptis sp. 283045

Archegocoptis tiburonica Clench, 1935

Autocopis eugenii (Dohr, 1859)

Autocoptis adamsiana (Pfeiffer, 1851)

Autocoptis adamsiana puncturata (Pfeiffer, 1852)

Autocoptis argpihrix F. G. Thompson & R. Franz, 1976

Autocoptis guigouana (Petit de la Saussaye, 1859)

Autocoptis guigouana mabuja (Weinland, 1880)

Autocoptis guigouana strohmi (Maltzan, 1888)

Autocoptis juliae (Clench, 1935)

Autocoptis malleata (Pfeiffer, 1852)

Autocoptis menkeana (Pfeiffer, 1852)

Autocoptis sp. 193354

Autocoptis tumidula (Weinland & E. von Martens, 1859)

Badiofax mendozana (Pilsbry, 1928)

Brachypodella aff. tumidula (Weinland & Martens, 1859)

Brachypodella antiperversa (Ferussac, 1821)

Brachypodella brooksiana (Pfeiffer, 1854)

Brachypodella cf. dohrni (Maltzan, 1888)

Brachypodella cf. seminuda (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Brachypodella cf. smithiana (Pfeiffer, 1866)

Brachypodella cf. subtilis subtilis (Morelet, 1849)

Brachypodella cf. truncatula (Lamarck, 1822)

Brachypodella costata (Guilding, 1828)

Brachypodella darlingtoni Clench, 1935

Brachypodella dohrni (Maltzan, 1888)

Brachypodella dominicensis (L. Pfeiffer, 1850)

Brachypodella dominicensis gabbi Pilsbry, 1903

Brachypodella dubia (Pilsbry, 1891)

Brachypodella imitatrix Pilsbry, 1903

Brachypodella imitatrix Pilsbry, 1904

Brachypodella kraussiana (Weinland, 1860)

Brachypodella kraussiana lahottensis Clench, 1935

Brachypodella leucopleura (Menke, 1847)

Brachypodella morini morini (Morelet, 1849)

Brachypodella morini salpinx (Tristram, 1861)

Brachypodella pallida (Pfeiffer, 1845)

Brachypodella perplicata (Ferussac, 1838)

Brachypodella raveni (Crosse, 1872)

Brachypodella riisei (Pfeiffer, 1852)

Brachypodella smithiuanum Pfeiffer, 1866

Brachypodella sp. 14240

Brachypodella sp. 16434

Brachypodella sp. 193170

Brachypodella sp. 193296

Brachypodella sp. 195387

Brachypodella sp. 293264

Brachypodella sp. 39690

Brachypodella speluncae (Morelet, 1852)

Brachypodella subtilis pulchella (Von Martens, 1886)

Brachypodella subtilis subtilis (Morelet, 1849)

Brachypodella subula (Ferussac, 1838)

Brachypodella subula Férussac 1821

Brachypodella truncatula (Lamarck, 1822)

Brachypodella utowanae Clench, 1932

Brachypodella weinlandi (Pfeiffer, 1860)

Callocoptis hubbardi Torre & Bartsch, 1948

Callocoptis sp. 192868

Callonia ellioti (Poey, 1858)

Callonia gemmata (Pilsbry, 1927)

Callonia lowei (Torre, 1927)

Centralia alvearis (Torre, 1911)

Cochlodinella augustini Torre & Bartsch, 1943

Cochlodinella broquelensis Torre & Bartsch, 1943

Cochlodinella illamellata (Pfeiffer, 1864)

Cochlodinella poeyana (Orbigny, 1841)

Cochlodinella rectaxis (Pilsbry, 1930)

Cochlodinella turiguanoensis C. Torre & Bartsch, 1972

Cochlodinella variegata (Pfeiffer, 1842)

Cochlodinella variegata occidentalis Torre & Bartsch, 1943

Coelocentrum anomalum Strebel, 1880

Coelocentrum cf. nelsoni Dall, 1910

Coelocentrum clathratum Von Martens, 1897
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