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Compendium of Bivalves
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Acanthopleura gemmata (de Blainville, 1825)

Ceratozona squalida (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Chaetopleura angulata (Spengler, 1797)

Chaetopleura apiculata (Conrad, 1834)

Chaetopleura apiculata (Say, 1834)

Chaetopleura hennahi (Gray, 1828)

Chaetopleura isabellei (Orbigny, 1841)

Chaetopleura lanuginosa (Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879)

Chaetopleura lanuginosa mixta (Dall, 1919)

Chaetopleura lurida (Sowerby, 1832)

Chaetopleura roddai Ferreira, 1983

Chaetopleura sp. 30621

Cryptochiton stelleri (Middendorff, 1817)

Dendrochiton flectens (Carpenter, 1864)

Dinoplax gigas (Gmelin, 1792)

Eudoxochiton inornatus (Tenison-Woods, 1881)

Eudoxochiton nobilis (Gray, 1843)

Ischnochiton albus (L., 1767)

Ischnochiton australis Sowerby, 1840

Ischnochiton boninensis Bergenhayn, 1933

Ischnochiton carinulatus (Reeve, 1847)

Ischnochiton cariosus Dall, 1922

Ischnochiton cf. erythronotus (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Ischnochiton cf. papillosus (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Ischnochiton cf. striolatus (Gray, 1828)

Ischnochiton circumvallatus (Reeve, 1847)

Ischnochiton comptus (Gould, 1859)

Ischnochiton contractus Reeve, 1847

Ischnochiton dilatosculptus Kaas, 1982

Ischnochiton dispar (Sowerby, 1832)

Ischnochiton edwini (Mello & Pinto, 1989)

Ischnochiton elizabethensis Pilsbry, 1894

Ischnochiton elongatus (Blainville, 1825)

Ischnochiton erythronotus (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Ischnochiton hakodadensis Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1893

Ischnochiton hulullensis (Smith, 1905)

Ischnochiton interstinctus Gould, 1852

Ischnochiton lineolatus (Blainville, 1825)

Ischnochiton maorianus Iredale, 1914

Ischnochiton milligani Iredale & May, 1916

Ischnochiton oniscus Krauss, 1848

Ischnochiton papillosus (C.B.Adams, 1845)

Ischnochiton pectinatus (Sowerby, 1840)

Ischnochiton petaloides (Gould, 1846)

Ischnochiton pseudovirgatus Kaas, 1972

Ischnochiton pusio (Sowerby in Sowerby & Broderip, 1832)

Ischnochiton rissoi (Payraudeau, 1826)

Ischnochiton sp. 156520

Ischnochiton sp. 235596

Ischnochiton striolatus (Gray, 1828)

Ischnochiton subviridis Iredale & May, 1916

Ischnochiton textilis (Gray, 1828)

Ischnochiton thomasi Bednall, 1897

Ischnochiton torri Iredale & May, 1916

Ischnochiton tridentatus Pilsbry, 1893

Ischnochiton variegatus Adams & Angas, 1864

Ischnochiton verconis Torr, 1911

Ischnochiton wilsoni Sykes, 1896

Ischnochiton yerburyi (Smith, 1891)

Juvenichiton saccharinus (Dall, 1878)

Lepidochitona caprearum (Scacchi, 1836)

Lepidochitona dentiens (Gould, 1846)

Lepidochitona hartwegii (Carpenter, 1855)

Lepidozona clathrata (Reeve, 1847)

Lepidozona cooperi (Dall, 1879)

Lepidozona coreanica (Reeve, 1874)

Lepidozona formosa Ferreira, 1974

Lepidozona intersticta radiata Pilsbry, 1892

Lepidozona mertensii (Middendorf, 1847)

Lepidozona pectinulata (Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1893)

Lepidozona serrata (Carpenter, 1864)

Lepidozona willetti (Berry,1917)

Lorica volvox (Reeve, 1847)

Mopalia cf. lowei Pilsbry, 1918

Mopalia ciliata (Sowerby, 1840)

Mopalia ferreirai Clark, 1991

Mopalia hindsii (Reeve, 1847)

Mopalia imporcatas (Carpenter, 1864)

Mopalia laevior Pilsbry, 1892

Mopalia lignosa (Gould, 1846)

Mopalia lowei Pilsbry, 1918

Mopalia muscosa (Gould, 1846)

Mopalia recurvans Barnawell, 1960

Mopalia sinuata (Carpenter, 1864)

Mopalia spectabilis Cowan & Cowan, 1977

Mopalia swanii (Carpenter, 1864)

Mopalia vespertina (Gould, 1852)

Nuttallina californica (Reeve, 1847)

Placiphorella japonica (Dall, 1925)

Placiphorella rufa Berry, 1917
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