Adelopoma paulistanum Martins & Simone, 2014 |  Apelopoma sp. 108682 |  Arinia ascotrochus Maassen, 1994 |
 Arinia dioryx Vermeulen, 1994 |  Arinia jensi Maassen, 2001 |  Arinia panhai Maassen, 2001 |
 Arinia paricostata Vermeulen, 1994 |  Arinia sp. 130736 |  Arinia stenotrochus stenotrochus Vermeulen, 1994 |
 Arinia strophostoma strophostoma Vermeulen, 1994 |  Arinia valkenburgi Vermeulen, 1994 |  Cochlostoma auritum (Rossmässler, 1837) |
 Cochlostoma berilloni (Fagot, 1880) |  Cochlostoma elegans imoschiense (A. J. Wagner, 1906) |  Cochlostoma fontqueri F. Haas, 1924 |
 Cochlostoma georgi (A. J. Wagner, 1906) |  Cochlostoma gracile (L. Pfeiffer, 1849) |  Cochlostoma gracile croaticum (L. Pfeiffer, 1870) |
 Cochlostoma gracile gracile (L. Pfeiffer, 1849) |  Cochlostoma gracile stussineri (A. J. Wagner, 1897) |  Cochlostoma hellenicum athenarum (Saint-Simon, 1869) |
 Cochlostoma henricae lissogyrus (Westerlund, 1881) |  Cochlostoma hoyeri (Polinski, 1923) |  Cochlostoma kontschani Zallot, Kamchev, Schilthuizen, Fehér, De Mattia & E. Gittenberger, 2024 |
 Cochlostoma mariannae H. Nordsieck, 2011 |  Cochlostoma mnelense (J. Wagner, 1914) |  Cochlostoma mostarense (A. J. Wagner, 1906) |
 Cochlostoma nanum (Westerlund, 1879) |  Cochlostoma pallgergelyi Zallot, Kamchev, Schilthuizen, Fehér, De Mattia & E. Gittenberger, 2024 |  Cochlostoma parnonis Schutt, 1981 |
 Cochlostoma patulum (Draparnaud, 1801) |  Cochlostoma pinianum (Bourguignat, 1876) |  Cochlostoma pinteri Fehér, 2004 |
 Cochlostoma roseoli (A. J. Wagner, 1901) |  Cochlostoma roseoli kiriense (A. J. Wagner, 1906) |  Cochlostoma roseoli prekalense (Polinski, 1924) |
 Cochlostoma roseoli scutariense (A. J. Wagner, 1906) |  Cochlostoma scalarinum (A. Villa & G. B. Villa, 1841) |  Cochlostoma septemspirale (Razoumowsky, 1789) |
 Cochlostoma septemspirale bosniense Zilch, 1958 |  Cochlostoma septemspirale heydenianum (Clessin, 1879) |  Cochlostoma tessellatum excisum (Mousson, 1859) |
 Cochlostoma tessellatum platanusae W. Klemm, 1962 |  Cochlostoma tessellatum tessellatum (Rossmässler, 1837) |  Cochlostoma turriculatum (R. A. Philippi, 1836) |
 Cochlostoma westerlundi dionysi (Paulucci, 1879) |  Diplommatina abundans Maassen, 2002 |  Diplommatina acme Laidlaw, 1949 |
 Diplommatina akron Panha & J. B. Burch, 1998 |  Diplommatina balansai elata Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1903 |  Diplommatina balansai Morelet, 1886 |
 Diplommatina balansai robusta Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1903 |  Diplommatina bicoronata bicoronata von Martens, 1884 |  Diplommatina canaliculata Mollendorff, 1887 |
 Diplommatina carinaspinosa Maassen, 2002 |  Diplommatina carisnapinosa Maassen, 2002 |  Diplommatina cf. bicoronata pratexta Vermeulen, 1993 |
 Diplommatina changensis Kwon & Lee, 1991 |  Diplommatina fulva canilifera Moellendorff, 1901 |  Diplommatina fulva Moellendorff, 1901 |
 Diplommatina granum Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1903 |  Diplommatina immersidens Pilsbry & Hirase, 1904 |  Diplommatina kiiensis ishimakiensis Kuroda, 1960 |
 Diplommatina kobelti Pilsbry, 1901 |  Diplommatina lacrimans Vermeulen, 1993 |  Diplommatina maedai dandanensis Kuroda, 1941 |
 Diplommatina miraculumdei Vermeulen, 1993 |  Diplommatina nishii Yamamoto & Kozumi, 1988 |  Diplommatina shikokuensis Kuroda, Abe & habe, 1961 |
 Diplommatina sinulabris Vermeulen, 1993 |  Diplommatina sp. 130762 |  Diplommatina sp. 130765 |
 Diplommatina supralamellata Maassen, 2007 |  Diplommatina taiwanica Pilsbry & Hirase, 1905 |  Diplommatina ventriculus (Moellendorff, 1891) |
 Diplommatina wilhelminae Maassen, 2002 |  Diplommatina wilhelminae vanderblommi Maassen, 2000 |  Habeastrum parafusum Simone, 2019 |
 Obiscurella bicostulatum (Gofas, 1989) |  Obscurella asturica Raven, 1990 |  Obscurella bicostulata (Dupuy, 1849) |
 Obscurella hidalgo (Crosse, 1864) |  Obscurella hidalgoi (Crosse, 1864) |  Obscurella marocana (Pallary, 1928) |
 Obscurella martorelli esserana (Fagot, 1888) |  Obscurella martorelli martorelli (Servain, 1880) |  Obscurella oscitans Gofas, 1989 |
 Opisthostoma acolaston Vermeulen, 1994 |  Opisthostoma asyndeton Vermeulen, 1994 |  Opisthostoma austeni E.A.Smith, 1893 |
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