Asthenotoma lamothei (Dautzenberg, 1910) |  Bathytoma agnata Hedley & Petterd, 1906 |  Bathytoma atractoides (R. B. Watson, 1881) |
 Bathytoma badifasciata Puillandre, Sysoev, B. M. Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010 |  Bathytoma belaeformis (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903) |  Bathytoma boholica Parth, 1994 |
 Bathytoma carnicolor Puillandre, Sysoev, B. M. Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010 |  Bathytoma cataphracta (Brocchi, 1814) + Petaloconchus glomeratus (L., 1758)† |  Bathytoma cataphracta (Brocchi, 1814)† |
 Bathytoma cf. atractoides (R. B. Watson, 1881) |  Bathytoma cf. luehdorfi (Lischke, 1872) |  Bathytoma episoma Puillandre, Sysoev, Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010 |
 Bathytoma gordonlarki J. K. Tucker & B. M. Olivera, 2011 |  Bathytoma hedlandensis Tippett & Kosuge, 1994 |  Bathytoma helenae Kilburn, 1974 |
 Bathytoma lacertosus (Hedley, 1922) |  Bathytoma luehdorfi (Lischke, 1872) |  Bathytoma prodicia Kilburn, 1978 |
 Bathytoma somalica Ardovini, 2015 |  Bathytoma sp. 122762 |  Bathytoma sp. 36865 |
 Bathytoma sp. 78260 |  Bathytoma stenos Puillandre, Sysoev, Olivera, Couloux & Bouchet, 2010 |  Bathytoma tippetti Vera-Pelaez, 2004 |
 Bathytoma viabrunnea (Dall, 1889) |  Bathytoma visagei Kilburn, 1973 |  Belaturricula gaini (E. Lamy, 1910) |
 Borsonella sp. 78704 |  Diptychophlia hubrechti Cunha, 2005 |  Diptychophlia sp. 48362 |
 Drilliola aff. comatotropis (Dall, 1881) |  Drilliola comatotropis (Dall, 1881) |  Drilliola emendata (Monterosato, 1872) |
 Drilliola loprestiana (Calcara, 1841) |  Drilliola reevii (C. B. Adams, 1850) |  Drilliola sp. 27208 |
 Genota marchandi Pin, 1996 |  Genota mitriformis (W. Wood, 1828) |  Genota nicklesi Knudsen, 1952 |
 Genota nigeriensis Vera-Peláez, 2004 |  Genota papalis (Reeve, 1845) |  Genota sp. 67746 |
 Genota vafra Sykes, 1905 |  Glyptaesopus oldroydi (Arnold, 1903) |  Glyptaesopus phylira (Dall, 1919) |
 Glyptaesopus xenicus (Pilsbry & Lowe, 1932) |  Maoritomella albula (F. W. Hutton, 1873) |  Microdrillia aff. commentica (Hedley, 1915) |
 Microdrillia trina Mansfield, 1925 |  Ophiodermella fancherae (Dall, 1903) |  Ophiodermella grippi (Dall, 1919) |
 Ophiodermella inermis (Reeve, 1843) |  Ophiodermella miyatensis (Yokoyama, 1920) |  Ophiodermella ophioderma (Dall, 1908) |
 Paraborsonia (?) sp. 40085 |  Phenatoma roseum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) |  Phenatoma zealandica (E.A.Smith, 1877) |
 Pulsarella fultoni (G. B. Sowerby III, 1888) |  Pulsarella komakimonos (Otsuka, 1935) |  Suavodrillia kennicotti (Dall, 1871) |
 Tomopleura bellardii (Jousseaume, 1883) |  Tomopleura cicatrigula (Hedley, 1903) |  Tomopleura coffea (Thiele, 1925) |
 Tomopleura makemonos (Jousseaume, 1883) |  Tomopleura nivea (R. A. Philippi, 1851) |  Tomopleura oscitans Kilburn, 1986 |
 Tomopleura pouloensis (Jousseaume, 1883) |  Tomopleura reevii (Adams, C.B., 1850) |  Tomopleura sp. 58265 |
 Tomopleura sp. 68597 |  Tomopleura sp. 73714 |  Tomopleura spiralissima Gofas & Rolán, 2009 |
 Tomopleura vertebrata (E.A.Smith, 1875) |  Tropidoturris anaglypta Kilburn, 1986 |  Tropidoturris fossata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903) |
 Tropidoturris fossata notialis Kilburn, 1986 |  Tropidoturris planilirata Kilburn, 1986 |  Tropidoturris scitecostata (G. B. Sowerby III, 1903) |
 Tropidoturris vizcondei Morassi & Bonfitto, 2013 |  Typhlodaphne purissima (Strebel, 1908) |  Typhlodaphne strebeli A. W. B. Powell, 1951 |
 Zemacies excelsa Sysoev & Bouchet, 2001 |  Zemacies queenslandica (A. W. B. Powell, 1969) | |
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